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loop transfer function中文

用"loop transfer function"造句"loop transfer function" in a sentence"loop transfer function"怎麼讀


  • 環路傳遞函數
  • 循環傳遞函數


  • Closed loop transfer function
  • Open loop transfer function
  • Loop transfer function
  • Prony ' s method is used in open - loop transfer function identification and computation of residues
  • Based on the compensated open - loop transfer function , the system stability at the small - signal perturbation and the system response to step signal are analyzed
  • After analyzed each part of the loop , the system ' s open - loop and closed - loop transfer functions are presented and some parameters are optimized to ensure that the system has better stability and response speed
  • Lqg / ltr at the plant output proceeds in two steps : 1 ) design a kalman filter with desirable performance specifications ; 2 ) design a sequence of lq - regulators to make the singular values curve of the open - loop transfer function gk approximate the curve of tfl
    對象輸出端的設計步驟主要分為兩步: 1 )根據期望的性能指標設計一個卡爾曼濾波器,即得到目標反饋回路; 2 )設計lo調節器使得系統開環傳遞函數gk的奇異值曲線無限逼近1 )中找到的目標反饋回路的奇異值曲線。
  • This paper starts the research of the liquid floated pendulous accelerometer testing system according to the engineering . at first , this paper gives the brief introduction of the history and present status of accelerometer and its testing technology , the working principium and math model of the liquid floated pendu - lous accelerometer , and then , decides the binary width pulse force retrim loop as the design proposal of testing system , researches the transfer function of every part in the system emphasizly , analyses the stability of the whole accelerometer testing system from the angle of control theoretics by the open loop transfer function of system , and designed the correcting net , analyses the basal problems such as resolution , sampling restraint , precision and so on , designs the hardware testing circuits such as preamplification , band - pass filter , alternating amplifier , phase sensitive demodulatorn , pulse - width modulation , frequency scale circuit , moment current generator . finally , using the graphics program language labv - iew which is designed for testing field especially by ni accomplishes the solfware design of testing system , realized the testing functions
    首先對加速度計及其測試技術的發展歷史和現狀,液浮擺式加速度計的工作原理和數學模型等作了簡要的介紹,然后確定了以二元調寬脈沖再平衡測試回路為設計方案,并從控制理論的角度進行了分析,著重研究了系統中各部分的傳遞函數,利用系統開環傳遞函數分析了系統的穩定性,同時設計了系統的校正網絡;分析了二元調寬脈沖再平衡測試回路的分辨率、采樣約束以及測試精度等基本問題,并按照系統分析的結果設計了包括前置放大、帶通濾波、交流放大、相敏解調、脈寬調制、頻標電路以及力矩電流發生器等測試系統各部分硬件電路,驗證了電路的正確性,最后按照測試系統的要求,采用了美國ni公司專為測試領域所開發的虛擬儀器工具? ? labview作為測試軟件開發工具,利用該圖形化編程語言完成了測試系統軟件部分的設計,實現了測試功能。
  • The experiment result shows that conversion efficiency in ccm is improved by 2 percent compared with that in dcm , although the on - resistance of winding in ccm is more than that in dcm . the analysis of open - loop transfer function in both dcm and ccm shows that pull - push hfl inverter at ccm
  • The closed - loop transfer function matrix of such a system must be singular and an input controls two outputs in the system , so the closed - loop transfer function should be assumed a singular matrix whose elements are the fist - order inertia components , then the controller is designed . the control algorithm of closed - loop gain shaping is applied to the rudder roll damping system ( rrd )
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"loop transfer function"造句  


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